Setting of my favorite chaperone
Setting of my favorite chaperone

setting of my favorite chaperone

setting of my favorite chaperone

After I put it in the oven, I sat at the table with Nurzhan to do my homework. Hathaway’s house that I burned the chicken. “The next week I was so tired after going to school and cleaning Mrs. On page 21 lines 673-679 it shows how she burnt the chicken because she wanted to “rest her eyes” since she was exhausted. In the climax of the story, mama broke her leg, so Maya had to take it upon herself to do mama’s work, cook dinner, and go to school, making her very tired. COME HERE! Daniel dropped me and I ran to the cab, whimpering and trembling inside like a dog caught stealing a chicken. He pointed at me the way one might identify a criminal. “MAYA ALAZOVA!” His voice roared across the parking lot. Papa stood like a huge bull in his dark leather jacket and flung open the back door of the cab. Everyone was shouting and laughing, and he lifted me up even more as the lime green cab came to a halt in front of the school.

#Setting of my favorite chaperone cracked

Put me down!” My voice cracked as my breath caught in my throat. Maya was fooling around with her friends, her friend group consits of guys and girls but she was messing around with the boys and getting lifted up an down (etc.), which in her culture is not accepted so she was fearful of her father's reaction.“Daniel, please. On page 9 line 219-220 it says “I felt angry that I had to miss the meet because of Nurzhan.” this shows she was very upset because she had to miss the meet for Nurzhan getting in a fight. In a minute the bell would ring, school would be out, and the gymnastics meet would begin.” showing she had a gymnastics meet. The school was unable to reach Nurzhan's mother so the school called Maya and she was quite disappointed and angry after realizing she had to miss her gymnastics meet. In the rising action, Nurzhan got in a fight with one of his bullies during school and got himself suspended. This evidence shows how she has asked multiple times before this year with each year her parents saying “no”, so there is very little hope expected this year. Why should I bother when I was sure the answer would be the same? Even though I’m in ninth grade now, it would still be the same.

setting of my favorite chaperone

Horswill handed out the permission slip for the Spring Fling, the all-school dance, I almost didn’t take one. Page one lines 1-6 say “in homeroom when Mr. In the introduction, Mya talks about how she did not want to take the permission slip that allowed her to go to the school dance, and honestly did not know why she did. In the story a teenage girl from, Kyrgyzstan wants to be a typical American teenager, but she is struggling to convince her parents that she can be a typical American teenager while also able to stick to their family heritage. “My Favorite Chaperone” is a work of fiction and is a short story written by, Jean Davies Okimoto.

Setting of my favorite chaperone